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Our Story

A Journey of Resilience and Faith

Integrity Laser's story is deeply personal to Jeff, our founder, and it's a tale of resilience, faith, and determination. It all started with a life-altering car accident, but there's much more to the story.


Jeff worked as an engineer in a medical device manufacturer in California.


To support his growing family, he applied for a position at Lumonics, one of the early industrial laser companies. After joining Lumonics in 1987, Jeff moved from engineering to inside sales, where he quoted automated and custom-designed laser systems. He traveled across the United States to assist outside salespeople in their presentations.


Jeff transitioned to outside sales in Southern California. He initially had reservations about moving into sales, joking that salespeople needed a "half-brain removal" to do their jobs. But he took the plunge.


By 1993, Jeff became the Western Regional Sales Manager for A-B Lasers in Acton, Massachusetts. In this role, he managed sales across the western 26 states, overseeing a direct sales and sales representative force of around two dozen people. However, this job required him to travel 200-300 days per year.

April 1998

A devastating car accident forever changed the lives of Jeff, Marilyn, and their two children. A woman ran a stop sign and collided head-on with the Volkswagen Bug their son and daughter were in, completely totaling the vehicle and causing serious injuries to both children.

In the aftermath of the accident, both children were airlifted to separate hospitals, 80 miles apart. One of them was in a coma, with a Glasgow score of 3 and no medical hope of survival, while the other child required plastic surgery to address their injuries.

Weeks later, their comatose child miraculously woke up but had lost all memories of their 17 years of life. Jeff and his wife had the heartbreaking task of reintroducing themselves to their own child and watching them relearn basic life skills, like chewing and walking. To this day, two decades later, that child is still unable to remember anything from their life before the age of 17.

This life-altering event forced Jeff to reevaluate his priorities, including his career that demanded constant travel. It was a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing time with loved ones.

Fall 1998

An opportunity arose when Jeff was asked to move to Massachusetts. Jeff and his wife often share how their move to New England was nothing short of an answered prayer. About three months after the car accident, their child was in a rehab center, slowly recovering. The medical staff advised Jeff and his wife that once their child was ready to return home, the best course of action would be to move somewhere new, free from the pressures of their past life.

Taking this advice to heart, Jeff and his wife prayed earnestly, asking God to guide their next steps. Their prayer took place on a Monday. The very next day, Jeff received an unexpected call from the owner of A-B Lasers in Germany, inviting him to New England for a sales meeting that week. Surprised by the timing, Jeff agreed and made the trip.

Upon arriving at the factory on Thursday, Jeff was presented with an incredible opportunity - he was asked if he would be willing to move across the country to manage the laser company. In that moment, Jeff knew this was the answer to their prayer, and the family moved from California to Massachusetts in the Fall of 1998.

This remarkable sequence of events provided Jeff and his family with the fresh start they needed, allowing them to focus on their child's recovery and embrace their new life in New England, all while enabling Jeff to travel less. It was a powerful testament to the power of prayer and the incredible ways in which life can change when you least expect it.


Unfortunately, Jeff lost his job when A-B Lasers was acquired by a competitor. He then joined Electrox Laser in the UK to manage their US operations.


Jeff experienced another life-changing event when he was called to be the Pastor of a church in New Hampshire.


Jeff resigned from Electrox and started his own business as a manufacturer's representative for Electrox Lasers, Trotec Lasers, and TBH Fume Extraction systems. By doing so, he prioritized ministry and gained a flexible schedule to better serve those in need. Jeff credits this leap of faith and God's faithfulness with later fueling the growth of Integrity Laser.


A potential laser buyer approached Jeff, asking if he would laser mark parts on a job shop basis until they could get the budget approved to purchase a laser. Jeff didn't own a laser, but he and his wife decided to buy a used laser to provide work for their son, who struggled to find a job in a difficult economy. To their surprise, God began to bless the business with growth, and they could hire more people who were in need of work.

Integrity Laser is committed to hiring those who have had difficulty finding and retaining jobs. Our team members receive higher wages and better benefits than they would elsewhere, as we believe in giving back to those who contribute to our success.


Jeff took a two-month sabbatical, cycling from Astoria, Oregon, back to New Hampshire.


Jeff's cycling experience the year before had allowed him to reflect and pray, ultimately leading him to step down as church pastor. He believed God was calling him to serve through the business instead.


As 2020 unfolded, the world faced the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In January of that year, urged by his wife and Integrity's production manager, Kimberly, Jeff decided to stop selling laser systems and concentrate on growing Team Integrity. When the pandemic hit, it became evident that God had a plan for the business, as more companies turned to Integrity Laser for local laser engraving and order fulfillment in the United States instead of Asia.

2021 - Present

Integrity Laser has come a long way since 2010, expanding from a single laser to over 30 and relocating from a 200 sq ft office to an entire building. The company continues to grow at an even faster pace and is now thriving, running two full shifts. In 2021, we operated 24 hours a day during the busy Christmas season to meet customer demands.

So there you have it—a glimpse into the story of Integrity Laser. But rest assured, our story is far from over!

You may be curious about Jeff's mention of God or have questions about his beliefs. If you'd like to learn more, you can follow this link.